About Us

Understanding the emotional content of the therapeutic relationship
In 2012, a small group of psychoanalytically-oriented psychologists in Athens, interested in the exchange of clinicians on their work with patients, learned about Balint groups and formed the first ongoing case-discussion group based on the Balint methodology. Very soon the first doctor, a neurologist, was added to the group, as Balint groups were originally created for doctors, and the purpose of the group became from that point onwards the dissemination of the method that highlights the importance of the therapeutic relationship and the unconscious dynamics involved in it, among health professionals. Very shortly after, at the initiative of its members, the group was placed under the auspices of the British Balint Society in the context of which the training of the first group leaders took place. Thus, the first formal Balint group in Greece was formed under the name the “Hellenic Balint Group”.
A year later, the International Balint Federation that assembles the Balint societies of all countries, included the Hellenic Balint Group in the list of its members and in 2014, the first group leader that was trained in Greece, received her accreditation by the British Balint Society. A year later, the second group was formed with the participation of doctors, psychologists and one social worker, changing therefore the name of our scientific community to “Hellenic Balint Groups” and marking this way the first important step towards the dissemination of Balint groups in our country. In 2018, the first two doctors who were trained in Greece in group leadership received their accreditation as Balint group leaders and the same year the first Balint group led by an accredited leader took place in a public Greek hospital.
The proliferation of our group leaders and the growing interest of health and care professionals in the Balint method led to the legal establishment of our non-profit scientific Society under the name “Hellenic Society of Medical Psychology and Balint Groups” in 2020. The further development of the Society is based on the participation of new members from the field of Medicine and the health and care professionals, the constant exchange and interaction with the other Balint societies abroad, the organization of scientific events and the publishing of articles that promote the work and dissemination of Balint groups on the national and international level.
Founding members
- Zalidis Sotiris
- Bitrou Lida (President)
- Papanikolaou Dafni-Tatiana
- Stavrou Anastasios
- Tsalta Eleftheria
- Hotari Alia
- Fitzgerald Gearoid
- Rimmer Esti