Theoretical seminars

The theoretical seminars constitute an important part of the training of new group leaders and are also addressed to members who have completed at least one year of participation in a Balint group and wish to enrich their empirical knowledge with some knowledge on theoretical issues surrounding Balint groups

The seminars are conducted one Saturday a month in our premises in Kifissia and are based on the study and discussion of texts and articles relevant to Balint groups, Psychoanalysis and Psychosomatics as well as the doctor-patient and therapist-client relationship. The rapporteurs are accredited Balint group leaders as well as invited persons who are involved in a clinical, academical or research context with the above scientific subjects.

Indicatively, in the first introductory seminar with the title “The relationship of Psychoanalysis with Balint groups: Freud, Ferenczi, Balint” we study the work and theories of Michael Balint, the influences that he received from Freud’s metapsychology and the work of Sandor Ferenczi -who was his analyst, mentor and friend- and his relationship with him, as well the convergences and divergences from the freudian theory and technique. Moreover, we are interested in the role of these influences and equally his differentiations in the creation and function of Balint groups.

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